Vastu Remedies for Peace & Tranquility at Home!

Vastu Shastra is an ancient Indian tradition that provides guidelines for designing and constructing buildings, including homes, to promote peace, prosperity, and positive energy. Here are some Vastu remedies for peace and tranquility at home:

What Attracts Negative Energy? How to identify negative energies at your home and remove them?

Negative energy in a home refers to a buildup of negative emotions, thoughts, or vibrations that can create an unpleasant or stressful atmosphere. Negative energy in a home can come from a variety of sources, including conflict, stress, past negative events, or even the physical environment.

Practical Ways to Reduce Noise Pollution at Home!


There are several modifications that can be made to a home to reduce noise pollution, including:

Vastu Remedies for Rented Homes!


Vastu Shastra is considered important in a rented house because it’s believed to promote positive energy, well-being, and prosperity. The principles of Vastu Shastra focus on creating harmony between the physical environment and the individuals living in it.

Vastu Guidelines for your home balcony and terrace!


Vastu Shastra offers guidelines for designing and decorating balconies to promote positive energy and good health. Here are some of the key Vastu rules for balconies:

Vastu tips to keep Natraj idol (dancing shiva statue) at home!


Nataraj is a Hindu deity who is associated with dance, creation, and destruction. The Nataraj idol represents Lord Shiva as the cosmic dancer, performing the Tandava dance that symbolizes the cycle of creation and destruction in the universe.

Vastu Guidelines for The Right Position of Septic Tank!

A septic tank is a large underground container that is used to treat and store sewage and wastewater from a building. The tank is typically made of concrete or fiberglass and is designed to hold wastewater and allow it to decompose through natural processes. The partially treated wastewater is then released into a drain field, […]

7 Horse Painting & Vastu Importance!


The “Seven Horses” or “Sapta Matrika” painting is a traditional Indian art piece that is believed to bring good luck and prosperity to the home when placed in accordance with Vastu Shastra principles. Here are some tips for its placement in your home:

How Arowana Fish Brings Good Luck at Home!


Arowana fish, also known as Dragon Fish or Lucky Fish, are popular ornamental fish species that are prized for their unique appearance and reputation as symbols of good luck and prosperity. The following are some of the common types of Arowana fish:

Ways to Get Rid of Negative Energy in Your Home!

Negative energy in a home is a concept that refers to a feeling of discomfort, oppression, or negativity that can be sensed in a living space. It’s often described as a heavy, dense, or stagnant energy that can negatively impact the health, happiness, and well-being of those who live in the space. Negative energy can […]

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