What is lease deed? Meaning, Required Documents and Registration process!


When a person acquires possession of property & gets its enjoyment rights in exchange for consideration with the actual owner, the property is said to be leased.

What is BHK? Full form, Meaning and Importance!


Understanding the concept of BHK (Bedroom, Hall, Kitchen) and its various types is crucial for making informed real estate decisions. This guide delves into different BHK configurations, helping you choose the best layout to suit your needs and preferences.

How to Apply for a Mobile Tower on Your Land in India

As connectivity becomes increasingly vital in our daily lives, the demand for mobile towers is on the rise. If you own land and are considering leasing it for the installation of a mobile tower, this guide will walk you through the process of applying for a mobile tower on your land in India. From understanding […]

What are the Different Land Use Zones in Maharashtra?

Maharashtra, a state known for its diverse geography and rapid urbanization, is characterized by various zones of land use, each serving distinct purposes. From residential and commercial to agricultural and industrial zones, understanding the classification of land in Maharashtra is essential for both residents and investors, particularly those looking to buy property in Mumbai or […]

Is it acceptable for a developer to sell a building’s terrace area?

A terrace or rooftop is a common location in a residential community that is for the use and pleasure of all of its residents. Although it has been apparent that many builders promote or grant special terrace privileges in exchange for cash, the practice is prohibited.

Is it harmful to live near a landfill?

Aside from significantly hurting property values, residential properties near a dump represent a serious hazard to occupants’ health. According to reports, the drawbacks of living near a dump are elaborated.

How can I verify the market value of land in AP using IGRS?

The market value of a property is the assessed worth of land or property in a location by the State government. The property can be sold for less or more than the market value at the owner’s choice.

All About the Depreciation of Property!

Depreciation is the gradual decline in an asset’s value brought on by damage, obsolescence, or other circumstances. Property depreciation is a decrease in value brought on by these elements. Depreciation of property in India has a big impact on taxpayers since it changes their taxable income and how much tax they have to pay.

Land pooling schemes: A viable alternative to land acquisition!

The road to developing into an infrastructure behemoth in India was littered with squabbles between the government and landowners. The passage of the Right to Fair Compensation and Transparency in Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation, and Resettlement Act, 2013 (RFCTLARR, 2013) (now referred to as the Land Acquisition Act) in 2013 provided considerable assistance. Conflicts over inconsistent, […]

OSR Land Rules in Tamil Nadu

Open Space Reservation (OSR) land plays a crucial role in urban planning, ensuring that cities have adequate green spaces and amenities for the well-being of residents. In the context of Tamil Nadu, understanding the rules and regulations governing OSR land is essential for developers, policymakers, and the general public. This in-depth guide explores the intricacies […]

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