RTGS Payments: Real-Time Transfers Explained!


RTGS stands for Real-Time Gross Settlement. It is a payment system used for the real-time transfer of funds between banks or financial institutions. In an RTGS payment, the transfer of funds occurs on a “gross” basis, meaning that each transaction is settled individually and immediately.

The Significance of Cash Reserve Ratio (CRR) in Banking!


Cash Reserve Ratio (CRR) is a monetary policy tool used by central banks to regulate the amount of funds that commercial banks must maintain as reserves with the central bank. It is a specified percentage of the total deposits of a bank that must be kept in the form of cash reserves. The primary purpose […]

Demystifying Bank Rate: Understanding its Role in the Economy!


Bank rate refers to the interest rate at which a central bank lends money to commercial banks or other financial institutions within a country’s banking system. It is one of the monetary policy tools used by central banks to influence economic conditions and regulate the money supply.

All About Non-Performing Asset!

Non-Performing Assets are loans or advances that have defaulted or are past due. When principal or interest is due or is not, debt is past due. When the lender anticipates that the loan will be terminated and the borrower won’t be able to fulfill their commitments, the loan is said to be in default. The […]

Bank Locker: Here’s everything you should know to protect your assets!

A bank locker is an important way to securely store valuable items such as jewelry, documents, and other important possessions. A bank locker is a safe deposit box that is typically available for rent at a bank or other financial institution. These boxes are typically used to store valuable items such as jewelry, documents, and […]

What exactly is a foreign institutional investor?

Foreign institutional investors are the full version of FII. They are organisations formed or registered outside of India that make investment offers in India. Such offerings are often made on behalf of sub-accounts by overseas institutional investors, which can contain international businesses, individuals, and funds.

Know all about Foreign Exchange Management Act (FEMA)

Have you ever considered why the government needs foreign currency while the people remain in India? Consider someone who lives in India and wishes to travel abroad for work, travel, education, migration, or any cause that necessitates the use of foreign currency. Similarly, if someone lives outside of India and wants to visit here for […]

All To Know About Payment Banks

A financial institution that isn’t a financial institution. This is the core notion underlying the specific form of a Payments Bank. To realize the vision of virtual India, the Reserve Bank of India created the notion of bill banks to increase the penetration of monetary products utilizing reaching areas where actual banks cannot.

All to know about Demand Draft (DD)

A draft, often known as a DD, is a negotiable instrument issued by a financial institution. The meaning of a negotiable device is that it secures a positive amount of fee by bringing up the payee’s call. It cannot be transferred to another character under any circumstance.

What exactly is RTGS? The fundamentals of RTGS

What exactly is RTGS? : RTGS is an abbreviation for Real-Time Gross Settlement. ‘Real Time’ refers to the processing of instructions at the time they are received; ‘Gross Settlement’ refers to the individual transfer of funds.

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