Homemade Navratri decorations: Artistic creations for the holiday season

‘Sharad Navratri,’ also famous as Durga Puja, is a well-known and lengthy holiday in India that honours Goddess Durga. For nine nights in a row, the Goddess’s nine incarnations are loved. This festival commemorates her victory over the monster Mahishasura. While the holiday is celebrated differently in different areas of India, one practise remains a […]

Modern Decorations for Ganpati that are Eco-Friendly

Fabric buntings By using fabric buntings instead of plastic ones to decorate your space, you may reduce your plastic waste generation! During the holiday season, disposable home decor contributes to a variety of plastic waste, either through the packaging or the décor itself, making those material buntings an excellent substitute. These are made from leftover […]

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