How to choose the perfect payment plan in real estate?

Buying your dream home is one of the biggest achievements for any individual. When a buyer decides to purchase a property, the first thing that comes to his/her mind is the EMI and hefty down payment he needs to make at the time of booking.

Challenges faced by a homebuyer when purchasing a property

We all know that buying a home is not that easy, it is a very challenging task. If you are planning to buy a new home, you need to know the common problems every homebuyer faces.

Strong performance of real estate in uncertain markets

India’s real estate sector includes the housing, retail, hospitality, and commercial sub-sectors, which is showing its strong performance in uncertain markets of Kolkata and Karnataka.

Will the Alternative Investment Fund help revive the realty sector?

Alternative Investment Fund (AIF) is creating succour for the much-needed respite in the realty sector.

If Life Is Insured, then why not Property?

Property insurance means the insurance that takes care of your goods, material or equipment required for your business or your home against any loss like that of theft, fire or any other natural calamities.

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