CAG India: Everything You Need to Know About India’s Comptroller and Auditor General

Article 148 of the Indian Constitution created the department of the Comptroller and Auditor General of India, also referred as the CAG India. The CAG India is the auditor of government accounts, with the authority to audit the books of the central, state, as well as all government authorities in the country.

Here’s all about the Share Certificate

A share certificate is a jail report or certification sent to a cooperative housing company’s registered proprietor of a unit.

All About Succession Certificate

While attempting to comprehend legal matters, we may find them somewhat intimidating, even more so when there isn’t a guideline to be acquired on reducing the information and presenting it all together.

All You Need to Know About Encumbrance Certificate

When you buy an asset, it’s critical to check whether there are any criminal issues associated with it. Whether you’re wondering how you can acquire access to this information as a customer, an Encumbrance Certificate (EC) will help you figure out if there are any expenses associated with the assets.

Here’s all about HUF

The Hindu Undivided Family (HUF) is not generally mentioned in the Income Tax Act, although it is contained in Hindu Law. All people who are lineally derived from a common ancestor, as well as single daughters, are included in the HUF.

Everything you need to know about the AP encumbrance certificate

Among the most essential aspects of a person’s life is their house. People are deeply engaged in their homes for a range of factors, however there is a significant financial investment if it pertains to owning a home or property.

Construction and Demolition Waste Policy is Announced in Chandigarh


The Chandigarh government has issued a Construction and Demolition (C&D) waste policy that allows recycled/processed trash to be reused for rebuilding and other purposes.

Tips on how to double-check your apartment purchase documentation without any lawyer


Purchasing one’s own apartment or property is a goal for anybody who is successful and has accomplished something meaningful in their lives.

Everything about the Model Bye-Laws and documents involved in it


Before we move on to the Bye-Laws for the corporate societies, let’s first briefly define what bye-laws are.

Real Estate: Extension Given to Town Planning Adalat Applications


The city corporation of Thiruvananthapuram has given an extension to receive the Town Planning Adalat applications. Initially, the last day of filing the applications for Town Planning Adalat was 18 August 2021. However, the date has now been pushed to 26 August 2021.

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