Advantages And Benefits of living near wetlands

Investing in a luxury house near wetlands has many of advantages and benefits. And besides, it appears that the water body’s beauties, as well as its simple peacefulness and tranquillity, have captivated the minds of urban investors.

Everything you need to know about the Maharashtra BOCW Board.

The Building and Other Constructions Employees (Regulation of Employment and Conditions of Service) Act, 1996, also known as the “BOCW Act,” is a social welfare law implemented by the Indian government to ensure a safe and healthy working environment for construction workers.

Tenants and landlords should be aware of the different types of leases available

Upon moving into a flat in India, tenants must sign a lease agreement with their landlord. Although leave and licence agreements are widespread in the residential real estate sector, tenants renting commercial premises must sign a lease. In terms of the real estate industry, such leases could be of many forms.

LIG flats – A comprehensive explanation

What are LIG flats, exactly? – Low Income Group flats are the long version of LIG flats. Such apartments are aimed at the economically independent but mainly ordinary middle-class. The annual family income should be in the range of INR 3 lakh to INR 6 lakh.

What is a site plan, exactly?

Unless you’re constructing a basic project, such as a shed, merely drawing out the specifications on a sheet of paper will provide you with most of the information you require. If building a house or a business project, though, you’ll need a much more precise blueprint.

Land Change in Lucknow

Landowners in Lucknow intending to convert their property for non-agricultural use should follow the steps below to get a Change of Land Use (CLU) Certificate from the relevant authorities. This essay debunks the myths surrounding land conversion and leads you through the process of obtaining certifications step by step.

Everything to know about CERSAI

Purchasing a residence is a highly costly endeavor. It takes several thousand, if no longer crores, to become a household proprietor in today’s day and age. If buying a home wasn’t expensive enough, most buyers must rely on domestic loans to complete the transaction.

All to know about Strata Title!

When you own a strata name asset, you have character ownership over your rental or townhouse andshared possession over the ‘common assets,’ such as the driveway, lobby, and garden. Thecommonplace assets are then managed with the help of a legal corporation.

Here’s All About Goa Housing Board !

The Goa Homes Board (GHB) was established under the Goa, Daman & Diu Housing Board Act, 1968, to provide housing to people from all walks of life within the union territory. In 1969, the Board was established.

Why Should Real Estate Players Adopt ESG?

We all know that scientists have warned us of climate change and depleting resources for many years. A recent global report also noted the world temperature to be 1° higher than the values in just 2 centuries. In addition, the temperature is estimated to rise further by at least 1.5° by 2040. 

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